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Recover Tourism in a more sustainable way with Green Destinations Standards for Community Based Tourism

Green Destinations Sustainable Tourism Learning, From Capacity Building to Awards and Certification!

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Make Tourism Recovery Green with Green Destinations Sustainable Tourism Learning, Capacity Building to Awards and Certification! 

The Green Destinations Standard is a tool to measure, monitor and improve the sustainability profile of destinations and regions. The Green Destinations Standard for sustainable community development and management satisfies the need to make sustainable development concrete, objective and demonstrable. Communities and cities  can adapt their sustainability management system and implementation actions to the requirements the Green Destinations standard and obtain recognition of their efforts.
The Green Destinations standard is inspired by internationally recognised standards such as ETIS, ISO 14001, EMAS and the Global Reporting Initiative. The standard is “Recognised” by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC).

About Green Destinations


The Green Destinations standard is owned based on equal shares by a consortium of 3 organisations based in The Netherlands:

Green Destinations’ core values

What does it mean, better and more sustainable places? It means that we support destinations in adopting the following core values:

  • Genuine and authentic: supporting the celebration of local culture and tradition.
  • Responsible and respectful: defending people against exploitation, enhancing accessibility for people with disabilities, and preventing disruptive mass tourism (overtourism).
  • Economically sustainable: involving the local business community and enhancing local community employment during and beyond the holiday season.
  • Environment and Climate: ensuring environmental health and safety, and climate change mitigation and adaptation.
  • Nature & scenery: protecting scenic views, habitats and wildlife, and respecting animals that are used in tourism.

Adopting these G.R.E.E.N. values will help destinations to enhance their quality, attractiveness and competitiveness. It will help attract green travelers, visitors who are respectful, and will spend more in the destination. These values are at the heart of our programs for destination improvement and certification.

Danjugan Island
Danjugan Island

The Green Destinations Partnership is forming the Advisory board of the Green Destinations Standard and its related Reporting System. The role of the advisory board is to provide input to review and improvement processes, and to support the application of the standard in various corners of the world.The Partnership and Advisory Board consists of individual experts from around the world related to tourism in the field of Education/Science, National and International NGOs, and members with a tourism industry background.

TCI CB Series II- Green Leaders Forum, July 2013
The Coron Initiative – a UNEP APFED Showcase Program Sustainable Tourism  for Destinations!

Green Destinations Representative for the Philippines and Southeast Asia

Susan Santos de Cárdenas, Sustainability Guru Asia Pacific
Susan Santos de Cárdenas, President & CEO, Society for Sustainable Tourism & Development, Inc. – SST &  Global Leaders Member

President of Society for Sustainable Tourism & Development Inc. (SST), a pioneer advocate specializing on sustainable tourism development and stewardship initiatives with community social responsibility at grassroots application. She had been a staunch innovator, keynote speaker and resource person in learning and capacity building workshops for sustainable tourism to include Ecotourism, Community-based and Agri-Tourism promotion. She was a consultant and adviser for Local Government Units (LGUs) in the Philippines and a founding board member of the Asian Ecotourism Network.

A savvy tourism professional and hotelier with more than 20 years’ experience managing sales, marketing, operations, events – M.I.C.E. and human resources for small and luxury hotel resorts, tour operators, travel agencies, lifestyle events and publications, in the Philippines, Singapore, Peru, Japan and currently, based in Jakarta, Indonesia.

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Our Society for Sustainable Tourism & Development Inc.-SST offers LearningCapacity Building, Educational programs, Green Solutions and Services for public stakeholders: Destinations – LGUs and host communities;  Private stakeholders – Hotels, Resorts, Hospitality, Tour Operators and Businesses with Green Destinations, Global Leaders Program and Green Travel Guide platform to include Environmental Conservation and ComplianceGood Governance, Climate Resilience, to address global challenges of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): food security, poverty alleviation, environmental sustainability and climate resilience for the local host community. Water waste -STP (P.T. Amanaid Philippines) and Waste to Energy (W2E) solutions as well as other green destinations innovations are now offered to LGUs and tourism industry for law compliance.

For more information and assistance, contact us.

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